
Not Good Enough Podcast By Rex Connor Dwight

  It's OK to feel you're not good enough for some people. It's perfectly fine, you know! Sometimes, life wants you to know who you are before others can actually realize who they are to you . Follow up my daily and weekly podcast on all my platforms and that of Quotes of the Connors, 


 πŸ›‘ β™ˆ Therapy β™ŽπŸ›‘ Lately, the silhouette challenge has spiked up a whole lot of controversies on social media,  and so many has been left debilitated trying to shade religious and moral judgment on the challenge.  I am not writhing this  piece to counter anyone's opinion about the challenge. I'm only sharing the positive aspect of silhouette challenge.  A silhouette is the image of a person, animal, object or scene represented as a solid shape of a single colour, usually black, with its edges matching the outline of the subject. Silhouette is a form of therapy for the gymnophobic patients. What's gymnophobia you might be asking,.. Gymnophobia is the fear of nudity. In plain explanation, gymnophobia is the fear of one seeing him or herself naked, seeing others naked or others seeing them naked.  Gymnophobia is an emotional disorder that's caused by so many factors ranging from religious belief, parental upbringing, ...

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The single groom by Rex Connor Dwight

Let's ride into the sunset on a rainbow, We won't come back until tomorrow In the grandeur of the misty sunrise, With stars that fill the skies in our eyes. We'll paint the sunset with colors of dreams, Dreams we create with desirous schemes. I'll use shooting stars to write, I love you On stellar blackboard, this night anew. We'll fly past galaxies on gossamer wings. I'll tell our favorite stars of special things You've done since you touched my heart, From you I can never live apart. You're the face in the misty light of the moon, The laugh that floats on cosmic breeze in June. You're the magic spark of nature's fiery cone, The ember of joy I call my own. Venus and Cupid sigh when I tell you, I feel so very lucky to be loving you, The one I run to when each day is through. I simply can't take my eyes off you. The morning light may steal this moment bright And take away the stars of the night, We...

Rex Connor Dwight the Guru

Never in my life have I given doubt a breathing space. Benjamin Rex Connor Dwight by name, last child of a family of seven, the love for entertainment has always hunted me like a pricking conscience, fashion and modeling to be precise, so I have always waited patiently for the advent and genesis of my modeling career. I knew when I was much younger, I schemes it's not gonna come true, but I never for a second made doubt my plan "B" cause the illusion of my career kept pressing me forward. My modeling career started three years ago, back then I was much younger, it made me less chosen for auditions and runway events. Am a passion driven type, always believing in my dreams, my lifestyle is guided by this principle "chase your dreams and fame will come running after you", Ion run my career based on money, but based of  the stunning and remarkable memories it leaves me with